The term “Ayurveda” is derive from two Sanskrit words “ayu” meaning “life” and “veda” meaning “science” or “scared knowledge.” Hence, it is also known as the “Science of Life” or the “Mother of Healing”.
Our ancient medicine Ayurveda strongly recommends drinking water stored in copper vessels daily for boosting immune system and for balancing all the three doshas – vata, kapha and pitta
The universe as a whole comprises the five natural elements mainly Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether (space). A combination of these five elements constitutes the three specific doshas or energies in human beings. When the doshas are in balance they help in achieving a better quality of health. However, when not in balance they can cause dissolution and various adverse effects in a human body. Although, all the tridoshas are present in every individual, generally one or two are dominant than the rest.
Also known as life forces, the doshas help in regulating the physical and mental health and the various lifestyle factors. Doshas have specific physical and psychological characteristics and are directly related to an individual’s health.